Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For once, I'm going to walk away, I'm not going to let you ruin this for me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Remember those moments, the seconds that you thought that finally things were going to work out? Those moments are gone apparently. Everything we ever shared, it's all over. because quite honestly, you're weaker than I ever thought you could be. Do you ever think about the risk? or worse do you ever think about the fall out of what would happen if you took the risk? Wake up darling. Start to see that things are not always as they appear. You've got to figure things out without breaking everything around you. BREATHE for once in your life. Start thinking about things in your life and how you want them, not how you think they should be. You need to be there for yourself. Stop thinking that someone else is going to break down all the walls you've built to protect yourself. You need to be happy for yourself. Stop thinking that doing this or being that is ever going to make you happy. Be you. Love you. Accept you. And you will be happiness. No one else is ever going to take that from you. So be willing to take that risk, to jump into something that you think might work. Don't wait around for things to happen, because they never will. . . be your own happiness baby.