Thursday, July 28, 2011

What Kentucky taught me about love life and ever after. . .

I recently spent a week in Kentucky, doing something I do every summer, loving every moment of it, even the moments that didn't turn out quite the way I planned it. Normally, my trip to Kentucky is an emotional roller-coaster where I have revelation upon revelation. This year, although I was hoping for it to be something huge, turned out to be the exact opposite from what I expected and really needed it to be, or so I thought. Don't get me wrong, I still had an amazing time, and I experienced moments that I will forever carry with me. In fact, this trip made me realize that I want to spend the summer interning at Red Bird Mission as opposed to spending the summer in South Africa. Big changes, not so big revelations. That is, until I got home. I remember telling myself, don't let this week not being what you expected it to be get you down, because once you give all the experiences time to marinate, you'll see what it really wound up meaning.
Even though I thought I was going crazy, the more I realized that this trip really taught me much more than I thought it had upon leaving. This week taught me more about what I wanted my life to be then I thought it was ever going to. I always thought my life was going to go a certain way- spend the summer in South Africa interning with an orphanage, go to Israel for a semester, graduate, go back to South Africa for a mission trip, head off to seminary, marry the man I thought I wanted to, get ordained, have kids blah blah blah blah. This past week though changed my thoughts on a lot of those things though. First off, I wont be spending the summer in South Africa, but instead interning at RBM. I've realized that in order to change the world, I've got to first start looking in my own backyard. It's making me think about what I really want out of my college experience and what I want to do while I'm in school. I need more than what I've spent my last year doing. Things need to change. I need something else.
Then the love thing came. I thought for a very long time that it wouldn't matter to me what my future husband believed in/thought about/did with his time as long as he loved me. However, upon meeting someone on our trip, I realized that I want someone who I could share my Kentuckian adventures with. I don't care if the future Mr. believed in the same God as I did, but I would expect that my future Mr. would want to spend time helping other people, that he could have an intelligent conversation about religion. I want someone who realizes that my faith is of the utmost importance to me. I want someone who wants to do for others and give completely of themselves. I want someone who I can go to Kentucky, South Africa, India, California, Louisiana, anywhere that the need is. I want someone with whom I can share these experiences. I don't want to spend my life living for other people while my husband sits on the sidelines and watches.
For a while I thought I had found someone for me. But all things considered, its not worth pressing onto something that's not meant to be. Instead I'll search out for someone who can be my mr. right instead of my mr. settling. Kentucky taught me that I've been settling too much in my life instead of working and going after not only what I want but also what I deserve.

So here's to grabbing back the steering wheel of my own life. I will no longer settle for things that are beneath me. I will no longer mope about being single, nor will I allow my self to fantasize about a life that is not going to make me as happy as I want to be in my life.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Red Bird. . .

I've never been so excited to go on this trip, and i think its because I'm falling apart in the most composed manner I know how. It's scary how much I can mask what I'm feeling on the inside. I bet no one else could tell you that I feel like im slipping underneath the water's surface and I cannot find the strength to tear myself out. this is the first time I'm actually starting to loose my grip. I need to get away and regroup.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I'm sitting here watching True Blood
but my mind is constantly moving
because i am literally in the middle of the so much change in my life that it hurts
im waiting for things to seem normal again.
but i don't think that things are going to start feeling normal for a long time
its time that people start realizing that i am in the midst of much confusion, but am handling things like a pro, I have everything together and even when i feel like the change is spinning me out of control, I can in fact keep it together. I'm nothing close to be typical, or ordinary or average. It's not bragging, it is a fact and its time you start realizing it, and start admitting the truth to yourself.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


dear you,

sometimes i cannot believe you're real.
the way that our words combine, the way our hands collide
its as though i'm caught in a dream,
never ending
sometimes, i want to reach across the table, take your face in my hand
just to feel proof that you are no figment of my imagination
sometimes, i want to hide from you
in the deepest parts of who i should be
just so that you won't break me
sometimes i want to run to you, to combine our souls into one
two puzzle pieces matched perfectly.
sometimes i want to sit in the utter silence, listening to your heart beat
as it aligns with mine.
sometimes i want to climb the mountains with you at my side
chattering about nothing
sometimes i want to discuss the world, our future, the unknown
late at night with you
tucked under the covers
sometimes i want time to stop
as we explore our bodies
sometimes i want the moments to remain clearer in my head
just to remember them as real
sometimes i want you to take the risk
to leap from the cliff
just so i can catch you.
sometimes i want you to catch me
after i take the step off my safety net
and into your arms
sometimes i want to argue with you
just so we can make up
sometimes i want you to remember we will never be perfect
loving us anyway
sometimes i just want to wake up

love me you
you me love
me love you
you love me.