Monday, December 6, 2010

Sometimes you meet someone who helps you see your own light in a way you've never seen it shine before.

This is a paraphrase of something that my professor said in class today, it was taken from Lurianic Kabbalah.

She was talking in reference to an old beau of hers.

But I wonder . . .

Can it be applied in everyday life?

I've met lots of people who I am not involved romantically that have made me see my light shine like I've never seen it before.

But then again. . .

The people I've wanted to be with normally are the ones who make me see myself in a totally different way. And what do you do then? Do you run off and forget reason? Or do you contain it? But then the light that you have in your is going to explode like in Katy Perry's new song.

But what about the other people? How can I claim something to them? One of my really great friends Danny is one of those people for me . . . and yet we have the WORST relationship in the world, and I cannot claim anything to him. He's not a brother, an ex, a lover. He's so much more than my friend, and yet our language does not have the words to encompass it all. Therefore I feel like he is fleeting in his moments with me, which nearly breaks my heart because I don't want him to leave my life.

That light???

What if I'm destined to be alone? To never experience that?

There is another belief in Lurianic Kabbalah that states that people's souls have roots, and sometimes two people will have the same soul root.


or even scarier


I'm drinking a crazy amount of tazo passion tea, waiting for my friends to text me back.
I'm not really sure what I'm feeling.
But I'm in help mode.

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